A simple way to improve the air quality in a single room of a home is to use the Swidget 20/40/60 timer control switch with an Air Quality Insert paired with a Panasonic ERV or ventilation fan. But, that's only part of a complete solution. If a 20/40/60 switch is connected to an ERV, Swidget Air Quality Inserts can be placed throughout the home and configured to send commands to turn on the ERV when any room of the house needs an air exchange. For example, an Air Quality Insert installed in an outlet near the stove can detect when the VOCs from cooking begin to saturate the surrounding air and can then signal the ERV to circulate fresh air until the kitchen air quality improves. Having at least one Air Quality Insert installed in each room of your house can help to improve the air quality throughout the home by not only detecting poor air quality, but also creating actions using that information.
Note: Air Quality sensors require about 30 minutes to calibrate, until which time the sensor will report a reading of 25. When power is disconnected, the sensor will automatically recalibrate.