For additional parameters and to learn more, please download our Swidget Z-Wave Universal Insert Configuration guide.
Motion Sensitivity
Parameter: 48 (0x0030)
Description: Used to set the sensitivity of the motion detection system.
Range: 0 – 100
Units: Not applicable
Default: 0 (Most sensitive)
Motion Renotification Delay
Parameter: 49 (0x0031)
Description: Used to set the time in seconds between optionally resending NOTIFICATION REPORT (Home Security: Motion detection) messages to the Lifeline while in an “occupied” state.
Range: 0 to 65535, 0 == No renotifications, 10 second maximum renotification frequency
Units: Seconds
Default: 300 (5 minute)
Motion Reset Delay
Parameter: 50 (0x0032)
Description: Used to set the time in seconds between optionally resending NOTIFICATION REPORT (Home Security: Motion detection) messages to the Lifeline while in an “occupied” state.
Range: 1 to 65535
Units: Seconds
Default: 300 (5 minute)
Motion Detected Entry SET Value
Parameter: 51 (0x0033)
Description: BASIC SET value sent to associated nodes on entry into motion detected state (Occupied).
Range: 0 – 99 or 255 to 65535
Default: 255 (turn on associated devices)
Motion Detected Exit SET Value
Parameter: 52 (0x0034)
Description: BASIC SET value sent to associated nodes on exit from motion detected state (Vacant).
Range: 0 – 99 or 255 to 65535
Default: 0 (turn off associated devices)