Insert Re-hosting
If the user moves the SZWAQ insert to a different host device (from an outlet to a dimmer, or from one on/off switch to another on/off switch), it will automatically issue a factory reset report to the Lifeline association group after which it will leave the network it had joined with the original host device information and attempt a SmartStart join with the new device host information.
Depending on the settings and capabilities of the user’s controller (i.e., if it does not support SmartStart, or does not automatically remove a node on factory reset) the user may need to remove the old node association manually and perform a manual network add.
The user should consult their controllers’ instruction manual to determine its level of support for SmartStart, device Factory Reset, and manual device add/remove operations.
Note that rehosting an insert will likely require the user to reconfiguration any associations and/or scenes that included the previous insert/host combination.
If the user is unsure of their controllers’ capabilities to support a SZWAQ insert re-hosting operation, the safest course of action is to perform a manual network remove operation prior to moving the insert.